Tag: Mobile Aspirator



SORENSEN 2590 MOBILE ASPIRATOR by IMPACT INSTRUMENTATION INC *** FREE SHIPPING ***  The Sorensen 2590 Mobile Aspirator (Noise-Free) Thermal Intermittent Surgical Suction Machine features a disposable, hydrophobic / bacteriostatic filter designed to protect both the pump and the ambient environment from aqueous or airborne bacterial contamination; as seen here. The Model 2590 by Sorensen also known as Sorensen 2590 is a...Read More


Gomco Thoracic Drainage Aspirator

Gomco Thoracic Drainage Aspirator Model 6053 [WRG id=266] Gomco Suction Equipment - Speciality Aspirator - Mobile Thoracic Drainage Aspirator Provides regulation of suction drainage from 0 to 50 cm of water for rapid removal of fluids and gas from the pleural cavity. This pump offers high flow rates and a dual 2800 ml glass collection bottle system with two calibrated water...Read More